The function of high bay lighting is to light surfaces which are more than 15 feet away. Some common kinds of high bay applications can be seen in gymnasiums, warehouses and factories etc. All lamps which are used in applications are consists of mercury. In recent times, both high intensity fluorescent technologies (HIF) and HID have gained popularity but the performance of HIF technology is understood better in many applications that is which has given HIF opportunity to gain market share. The improved technology of fluorescent lamps and the invention of new HIF fixtures have composed the most cost effective choice as fluorescent lighting for indoor areas like warehouses, big retail stores, factories and athletic facilities (Lighting: HID Versus Fluorescent for High-Bay Lighting, 2007, p 1 para 1).

high bay lighting

History of fluorescent lighting: Generally people associate lighting and lamps with incandescent light bulb which was invented by Thomas Alwa Edison and some other inventors. These kinds of bulbs perform on the basis of electricity and filament. When these bulbs are heated by electricity, the filament gets high temperature so it glows and gives light. Fluorescent bulbs like arc and vapor perform differently. The light does not come due to heat; it is produced through the chemical reactions, which happen when the application of electricity is on different gases encircled in a glass void compartment (The History of Fluorescent Lights, 2009, para 1).

In 1857 Alaxandre E. Becquerel discovered the fact of fluorescence and phosphorescence. He imagined the creation of fluorescent tubes as same as they are made presently. He did some experiments on coating electric discharge tubes, which were combined with luminescent materials. This was the procedure which further expanded in fluorescent lamps (The History of Fluorescent Lights, 2009, para 2).

In 1901Peter Cooper Hewitt got exclusive rights on the first mercury vapor lamp (The History of Fluorescent Lights, 2009 para 3). His low pressure mercury arc lamps became the very first of its kind for today’s modern fluorescent type. Edmund Germer discovered a high pressure vapor lamp which helped in producing economical light with less heat. In 1927 he copyrighted an experimental fluorescent lamp. Some historians give Edmund Germer the credit of inventing the first true fluorescent lamp (The History of Fluorescent Lights, 2009, para 7).

fluorescent high bay